HOW catch one's breath Pool IN Style CROWL

Among the four styles of swimming (breast stroke, free style, butterfly style, and style of the back), the most difficult way is bernafasnya free style. In breast and butterfly style, breathing can be done easily because of the time in which we are entirely above the water surface. Breathe in the style of the back is also not difficult because of the head and body with our free draw to the sky. As in the free style, we may not be the full swell of the surface water. This is made to breathe in the free style feels more difficult.

However, if it is normal, there will be no more difficult things. Take (breathe) in the breath free style we do since the 2 / 3 of our stroke, and we end at our hands back into the water. We take samples of breath to take the left side. At the time of stroke left hand in line with our chest, lift akan relief style on the left side of our bodies. As a result, the body will be facing sloping to the left side. At the time that we start taking a breath. And the slope of our body by itself will help us face to swell over the surface of the water easily and naturally.

At the time of your face back down into the water, with a relaxed atmosphere out of your nose. This will cause a bubble-bubble water out of your nose.

Then when we take a breath? For such long-distance swimming 1500 meters, some great swimmer like Grant Hackett taking a breath every second stroke once. This means that only one only one stroke, and therefore also bernafasnya only to one side only: to the left or to the right course.

But there were also some swimmer who takes a breather every three stroke once. This means that the breath will be made to alternate left and right. Ways such as breathing, known as bilateral breathing. And where better to take the breath to one side only, or take a breath to the side in turn two? The answer, like-like you. Do you think that more rileks, relaxed, comfortable and suitable for you. So, most importantly, feel comfortable when you breathe.

However, many free-style sprint swimmer (50 meters or 100 meters), which make extraordinary efforts to hold their breath during the race. They only take a breath when truly in need. This is done so that the speed reduction does not occur that usually occurs when a free-style swimmer are breath taking.

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